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Treffer: 17

Frei 56: EDV 100/1Kolodner, Janet | Case-based reasoning | 1. [print.] | 1993
Frei 56: EDV 100/2Meyers, Scott | Effective C++ : 50 specific ways to improve your programs and designs | 2. ed. | 1998
Frei 56: EDV 100/3Foundations / David E. Rumelhart .. | 11. print. | 1995 | 1
Frei 56: EDV 100/3.4Parallel distributed processing : explorations in the microstructure of cognition | 1986-
Frei 56: EDV 100/4Psychological and biological models / James L. McClelland .. | 10. print. | 1995 | 2
Frei 56: EDV 100/5Masters, Timothy | Practical neural network recipes in C++ | 1993
Frei 56: EDV 100/6Grint, Keith | Fuzzy management : contemporary ideas and practices at work | 1997
Frei 56: EDV 100/7Fuzzy logic and expert systems applications | 1998 | 6
Frei 56: EDV 100/7Neural network systems techniques and applications | 1998-
Frei 56: EDV 100/8Mitchell, Melanie | An introduction to genetic algorithms | 1996
Frei 56: EDV 100/9Case-based reasoning : experiences, lessons & future directions | c 1996
Frei 56: EDV 100/10Rao, Valluru B. | C++ neural networks and fuzzy logic | 2. ed. | 1995
Frei 56: EDV 100/11Winston, Wayne L. | Operations research : applications and algorithms | 3. ed., student ed. | c 1994
Frei 56: EDV 100/12Wagner, Harvey M. | Principles of operations research : with applications to managerial decisions | 2. ed. | [1975]
Frei 56: EDV 100/13Optimization modeling with Lingo | 3. ed. | [2000]
Frei 56: EDV 100/14Lingo : user's guide | 1999
Frei 56: EDV 100/15Brunsdon, Chris | An introduction to R for spatial analysis & mapping | Second edition | 2019